
As we humans transcend the old fear, life force will once again flow through our bodies unimpeded. The sheer power and vitality of this energy carries enormous healing potential, and it will literally eradicate all the diseases that riddle humanity. ~ Gene Keys by Richard Rudd

New Moon Ceremony on January 29, 2025


Weren't able to join the New Moon Ceremony on January 29, 2025? You can still purchase to receive a Zoom link of the recording.
Mark Oliver

Light Language Blessing


Light Language Blessings speak directly to your I Am Presence. Light Language is an eternal language that bypasses the mental mind, accessing the Krystalline Codes of the DNA, and reprograms patterns, thought-forms, and belief systems. Your Divine Blueprint holds the potential of all realities. By clearing and cleansing with the Aquamarine Ray, the powers of the Feminine attune One to the innate Divine Blueprint and the most miraculous outcome. Light-Language Blessings are done etherically within your Holographic Field, clearing the Akashic Records which aligns One to their highest trajectory. No communication takes place with the purchase of a Light-Language Blessing. Elayne will send you a Light-Language transmission of energy to rewrite your unconscious patterns and programs. Your sacred work is be the observer of your emotions, thoughts, external shifts in your reality. Welcome your true Spiritual nature to guide you to the most joy, ease, and miracles.

You will receive an email for transmission instructions.
Crystals bathing in light

Personal Session


1 hour

Elayne's intuitive guidance takes one to their core issues; unveiling interference patterns and programs. In order to awaken the pure potential that exists within these out-dated loops, harness the Soul fragments, and neutralize triggers. To discover your Soul's purpose, Elayne is your greatest supporter. Her provoking wisdom is key to receive the next level of one's progression. Sessions are done via Zoom. Recordings are available in order to repeat the work, activations, and meditations following our interaction.
Johannes Plenio

Light Language Activation


Light Language is a series of tonal frequencies that bypass one's mental mind, allowing the holographic field to integrate and open to a deeper level of awareness. Elayne's transmissions are keys and codes for God/Goddess. This is a remote distance session, in which Elayne tunes into your Soul essence and brings in the Light Language message made personally for you. You will receive the link to a zoom video for your own personal light language activation. No verbal communication will take place, only a video will be provided.

Package of 10 Personal Sessions


Available for a limited time only. A savings of $340.

Elayne's intuitive guidance takes one to their core issues; unveiling interference patterns and programs. In order to awaken the pure potential that exists within these out-dated loops, harness the Soul fragments, and neutralize triggers. To discover your Soul's purpose, Elayne is your greatest supporter. Her provoking wisdom is key to receive the next level of one's progression. Sessions are done via Zoom. Recordings are available in order to repeat the work, activations, and meditations following our interaction.
Tree Top Center

Soul Reading


Elayne's intuitive gifts offer access to your Akashic Records, Planetary Existences, Parallel Lifestreams, Divine Blueprint Activation, Soul Readings, and other potentials of unlimited wisdom.
Beautiful space with clear energy

Environment Balance


Our home environment is our personal sanctuary. Stagnant energies can cause distortions in our energy field, affect our emotional well-being, interfere with our relationships, as well as, distort mental clarity. Elayne's gift of remote viewing allow her to clear your personal space and bring environmental balance within your sanctuary. The Environment Balance includes a 30 minute Zoom consultation and a remote clearing of your personal space following our conversation. The creative potential that exists in a clear space opens possibilities of connection, expansion, and more awareness.
This is an initial deposit to begin the environment balance process. Additional fees may incur as parties agree upon continued service.
Jeremy Bezanger from Unsplash

Distance Session


Distant healing is similar to prayer energy. Elayne focuses on your holographic field and attunes the frequencies into a harmonic state. Through her gifts as a Quantum Intuitive, the mutual intention downloads healing and evolutionary awareness as a sacred offering. No feedback is given from your distance session. We both attune at an agreed upon time through the Universal Mind, and you receive your answers.
Leonard Cotte

1 Month of Distance Sessions


Weekly transmissions per month

Distance sessions are a way to work with Elayne in the Quantum Field. Elayne attunes to your frequency, releases distortions and limitations, and brings harmony through activations of keys and codes. No verbal communication is given. Elayne will meet you in the Universal Mind once a week per month.
Holographic Field

Yearly Distance Sessions


52 weeks

Distance sessions are a way to work with Elayne in the Quantum Field. Elayne will meet you in the Universal Mind once a week throughout the entire year. Distance healing is similar to prayer energy. An extra boost of life-force energy ignites within your holographic field, bringing your entire physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realities into a harmonic state. No feedback is given from your distance sessions. Elayne attunes to your holographic field and ignites keys and codes into your cosmic library throughout the entire year.
David Cantelli



Elayne's stewardship includes escorting newly deceased souls from the Earth plane to the afterlife. Elayne is a intermediary between realms, communicating with the Soul. She relates concerns required to their loved-ones for the Soul's completion. Guiding a Soul towards Pure Source Light is a distance transmission, but communication with family members and loved ones during the transition deeply supports the process. Elayne may also communicate with the deceased following their transition for unanswered questions that keep one from moving forward in life. In addition, Elayne communicates with the unborn in utero.
This is an initial deposit to begin the transition process. Additional fees may incur as parties agree upon continued service.
Banff Lake


There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~ Carl Jung
John Lee

Transformational Mentorship


12 weeks

Transformational Mentorship are one of the most powerful ways to leap into one's authentic expression in order to unveil your true Self. Elayne's intuitive guidance provokes you through a deep journey of reflection, neutralizing triggers, and bringing healthy awareness towards unveiling your sensual essence. Discover the pathway to embodiment of your authentic expression. The Transformational Mentorship package includes 2 one-hour Zoom sessions per week for 12 weeks. The recordings are available for review and integration throughout our time together. Limited Availability.

Couple Transformational Mentorship


12 weeks / 24 sessions each

Elayne's intuitive guidance and skills shine the light on interference patterns. Awakening clear communication, honest connections, and exploration in intimacy exchange. Elayne guides one’s discovery, unveiling the best version of yourself in your relationship. Being in sync with your partner is an integral part of your transformational process. Mentorships encourage individual personal work, conscious connection, and a depth of intimacy. All sessions are via Zoom. The recordings are available for review and integration throughout our time together. Each partner receives a 1 hour session a week, the 2nd session that week is a 30 minute session proceeding a 1 hour session together as a couple weekly for 12 weeks. Limited Availability.


Learn more about Elayne's qualifications as a transformational healer.
Elayne with an eagle overheard