Healing Intimacy
Online Course

One-Year Anniversary Sale
Get the newly updated version of the Healing Intimacy Online Course for 33% OFF.
Elayne Le Monde by a river with ferns

Healing Anxiety
Online Course

The Complimentary Online Course from
Empower Wholeness is Available Now!
Elayne Free in the Wind

Empower Wholeness

Work directly with Elayne to
Empower Wholeness in Your Life.
Elayne Le Monde

Elayne Le Monde

Inspiring spiritual embodiment, Elayne teaches the art of self-discovery, exploration,
innate sensual intelligence, and the arousal of the Shakti and Shiva powers.

Quantum Co-Creation Attunement

Experience the newest complimentary attunement where you'll learn to create at the Quantum Level.
Elayne Le Monde smiling in the forest

Cosmic Mother Attunement

This Complimentary Attunement Activates Transcendent Healing through the Energy of the Cosmic Mother.
Elayne Le Monde looking into the distance

Vibrational Alignment Attunement

Experience the Complimentary Attunement that Ignites Vibrational Alignment.
Elayne Le Monde

Elayne's Reflections

Keeper of the Flame of Divine Union, Elayne mentors masculine and feminine harmony, teaches mastery as Erotic Creators, and activates the keys and codes of Divine Union through the awakening of the Kundalini.

Your Journey Begins

Elayne's work releases the counterfeit programs of the feminine and masculine shadows and restores the true template of the Sacred Divine Feminine.


Elayne invokes Magnificence in the Nurturing, Healing, and Awakening of the Sacred Marriage of the Heart.
Elayne Le Monde walking in the forest